Basic General Mathematics I (GSE 113) is a one – credit unit course designed for NCE I students in Colleges of Education. The course consists of Binary Numbers, Sets Theory, Basic Operation on whole numbers, Fractions and decimal fractions, Approximation, Indices and Surds. The course aims to introduce you to the fundamentals basic of mathematics.   It   is   intended   that the course should contribute to your personal development.  The overall aims of the course are to:

i. Encourage logical, abstract and precise thinking in you;

ii. Develop in you the ability to think deductively;

iii. Instill in you the ability to be accurate to a degree relevant to the problems at hand;

iv. Promote in you the understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for          everyday living in the global world;

v. Stimulate in you the habit of effective and reflective thinking



The above overall objective is set in order to achieve the specific objectives of this course. Therefore, each  Module of   this   course   has   some performance   objectives.   These   are   included   at   the   beginning   of   every module.   You   may   wish   to   refer   to   them   as   you   study   the   modules   in   order   to help   you   check   your   progress. The objectives of this course, which if met, will help you to achieve   the   aims   of   the   course.   On successful completion of this course, you should be able to: 

i.   Solve problems on binary numbers

ii.  Solve problems on sets theory

iii.  Solve problems on basic operation on whole numbers, fractions and decimal fractions

iv.  Solve problems on approximations

v. Solve problems related to indices and surds

- General English I is the foundation of all the general English courses in the department of General Studies in Education. The focus is to introduce you to the fundamentals of communication and the use of language skills. English Language is the language of teaching and learning in Nigeria, therefore it is imperative for you to acquire basic knowledge of the language for effective communication between the instructors and you.

 - This course will provide you with the fundamental knowledge, information, principle and facts of Communication in English, grammar rules, vocabulary development and the understanding of basic language skills needed for your main course of study.